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Knowledgebase : Marketing Resources > Best Practices
The 220 Marketing system comes with the capability to add Real Estate listings to your site. Most potential buyers will look at a property listing before getting pre-qualified, instead of discussing their financing options with a mortgage professional. We...
Chat GPT is a powerful AI writing tool that our clients can use to aid them with creating product pages, blog articles, social media posts, emails, and a wide range of different resources for their marketing. When using Chat GPT to generate content we w...
The Professional Success Center is a great tool to help you find and connect with potential new referral partners. This unique feature of your 220 system works with many of the other tools your system offers to provide tangible ways to support new referra...
The Recommended Professionals section of your 220 website is one of the best ways to support your referral partnerships. This is a unique feature of your 220 Marketing plan that empowers you to leverage your relationships, bring them more deals and in tur...