Knowledgebase: Referral Marketing
General New Business and Retention Strategies for Insurance Agencies
Posted by Sam Harvison on 23 January 2025 02:31 PM
  • Send life quote to any auto client
    • Do this 1-2 times per year around their insurance renewal date or if you know they have had a life event recently


  • Send Thank You/Loyalty Notes, hand-written –three a day
    • East way to stay in front of clients in a more personal way. Keep the number low so that is a minor part of the day, but some people do not read emails as often and this may resonate better


  • Go the extra mile
    • General theory, you should always go out of your way to help someone, it can open up a new opportunity, and the person will remember what you did for them


  • Just ASK, every time
    • It’s always a NO unless you ask


  • Ask personal lines client who their employer is and if the employer would like a commercial lines account review
    • Great way to break the ice between a potential commercial client
    • If you get to talk to the employer, provide a thank you for your client


  • Do a complete account review for anyone anytime
    • Do this if you haven’t spoken with a client in a year or if they haven’t changed their premiums in 2 years


  • Follow up on any quotes already done, all of them
    • This should be a given, but sometime we need reminding to not give up


  • Help anyone in your community in any way
    • This can open doors to allow you to talk about your business and network


  • Suspense your accounts and work your Supsenses
    • Look at your unclassified debts to ensure all of your clients are up to date on their premiums, so that they don’t incur any penalties with their carriers


  • Brainstorm with your teammates about any new opportunity, create and implement a game plan
    • If you have noticed a niche or opportunity in your area, discuss about some ways to capitalize on these.
    • Ex: Someone couldn’t qualify for life insurance because of high blood pressure


  • Constantly be rounding out your accounts
    • Cross sell any legitimate opportunity, make sure your client will benefit from the coverage


  • Call people on their birthday
    • Great personal touch to help enhance your relationship with your client


  • Send a free report to anyone any time on any insurance subject
    • When you have a good article or bit of information one of your client’s can benefit from, send that to them. You do not have to blast all of your clients this.


  • Ask tactical questions and listen for any opportunity in every conversation
    • Always be probing and looking for new business opportunities and referrals


  • Help someone in some way that makes a difference for them
    • Again, this shows you care and gives the opportunity to provide a free insurance review


  • Build your own COI (center of influence) list
    • You should have a list of professionals you network with and have good relationships that depend on your business and support. Become invaluable to your COI
    • Find a referral partner that only does niche insurance. This is an opportunity for that partner to send them personal lines or other insurance, and our client can promote the niche product among their client base and not have to worry about losing business.


  • Tell people about our website, our blog, our Facebook Fan page
    • Always be giving people options to connect and find out more about you. Let them use their preferred method of contact


  • Prospect a certificate holder
    • Search your existing accounts for the those certificate holders you don’t represent and reach out to them



  • Prospect a claimant
    • When one of your client’s has a claim or has been in an accident, prospect the other party


  • Call your AAA clients every quarter just to “check in”
    • Get practice to help with retention.


  • Send work comp quotes to any Commercial General Liability or Business Owner’s Policy client.
    • Cross sell opportunity


  • Send anyone a video to build relationships
    • Can be for a holiday or a charity event you were doing, ie Ice Water bucket challenge


  • Personal follow-up call 21 days after the sale to make sure all is in order
    • This will help with retention and ensure they are happy with their decision. Opportunity to ask for a referral


  • Half anniversary letter or call
    • This personal touch will help enhance your relationship with your clients


  • Send third party endorsement letter to prospects, COI’s and others
    • Find out who your prospect trusts and have them send a letter, email, or call to endorse and support your services.
  • Referral Program
    • Helps generate more referrals from your client base by incentivizing them to send you names. Must actually quote the person for that client to be eligible for whatever the spiff is.
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