Knowledgebase: SEO and Content
Content Creation Prompt using ChatGPT
Posted by Sam Harvison on 23 January 2025 02:14 PM

Step 1 - prompt

Act as an expert digital marketer. I want you to help develop an educational content strategy for my “INSERT BUSINESS TYPE” business. The focus should be on providing valuable, helpful information to both clients and professional referral partners, without emphasizing that my company is the source of the information too much. The goal is to educate the audience on key topics related to our services and provide actionable insights that will benefit them.

The business specializes in a “INSERT SERVICE” that helps customers solve “INSERT PROBLEMS/NEEDS”, and the content will be published on a branded website. However, the content should feel neutral, professional and purely educational. Please ask me 20 questions to better understand my business, the needs of my clients, and the topics we should focus on for this content strategy.


Step 2 - Answer the questions


Step 3 - prompt

Now based on the information you have about my business, I want 30 semantically relevant but unique topics based on this analysis, and for each, give me 10 different variations of the topic that each address a different search intent. Make it in table format with the following columns: column 1: The unique semantically related topic, column 2: the different variations on it, column 3: an intriguing, clickbait style title


Step 4 - pick a topic from the list, and then use the following prompt

Create an outline for an article: "INSERT TOPIC FROM LIST" Write it as professional “BUSINESS TYPE” and write it for “AUDIENCE”. Include information you already know about my company. Make sure to write an engaging punchy introduction for this blog article. Please alter between short and long sentences throughout the post. Avoid jargon or cliches. Make it engaging but suited for a professional audience. Give specific actional information that provides deep value to readers. The tone of voice should be professional and slightly conversational. Use burstiness in sentences. Combining short and long sentences to create a more human-like flow. Use human writing like exclamation points and first-person perspectives. The intro should include either an interesting stat, quotation, or something to hook the reader. Avoid did you know? Instead make it punchy and engaging. The reading level of the article should be no more than 8th grade reading. If there are additional questions, ask me before proceeding.


Step 5 - prompt

Adjust the outline to fit the content you want to provide.


Step 6 - prompt
Revise the outline one final time, then proceed with writing the article.


Step 7 - prompt

Now provide it with the proper H1, H2, H3 tags and give me the SEO title and meta tag to input along with anything else suggested for Yoast SEO Wordpress plugin. This should be provided in a format for copying and pasting to Wordpress


Step 8

Copy and paste this content into Wordpress. For help use this scribe:

Step 9 - prompt

Provide advice for stock images along with placement in the article. I only need to include 3 images. Canva or other free stock photo libraries are required.



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