Knowledgebase: Tech
220 Agent Landing Pages
Posted by Brian Stigall on 09 September 2024 10:35 AM

Landing pages for 220 employees



  1. Make sure user is added to Hub
    1. If user isn't in hub gather info from whoever requested landing page built and add to hub
    2. This information will be dynamically pulled into landing page
      1. Full Name
      2. Email Address
      3. Title
      4. Department classification
      5. If picture provided add photo
      6. Add LinkedIn link if provided
        1. If not provided use 220's link:
  2. Add user to account #1
    1. Log into account #1
      1. Admin Panel > Settings > Users
      2. Click Green "Add User" button
      3. Select user from "Select Existing 220 User" list
      4. Don't send password
      5. Don't Make Admin
      6. Click "Create User"
  3. Create Branch for user and site
    1. Admin Panel > Settings > Branches
      1. Click green "Add Branch" button
      2. Title format: 220 Marketing - FirstName LastName
      3. Don't select domain, this will be set when site created, come back later
      4. Branch Email: User's email
      5. Primary Phone: 619.758.9696
      6. Address:
        1. 3405 Kenyon Street
        2. Suite #211
        3. San Diego
        4. CA
        5. 92110
      7. Time Zone: Pacific
      8. Save
  4. Launch Website
    1. Admin Panel > Websites
      1. Click Orange "New Website" button
      2. Domain Type: select "Assign a Temporary Sub-domain"
        1. Change "ReplaceThisPart" to UserFirstName-UserLastName
          1. ex:
      3. Website title format: UserFirstName UserLastName - UserTitle
        1. ex: Anthony Carpico - Social Media Specialist
        2. ex: Trevor Niarchos - Expert Marketing Consultant
        3. ex: Josh Shute - Advanced Marketing Consultant
      4. Branch
        1. Select branch created in previous step
          1. (Usually the last one in the list)
      5. Click Orange "Launch" button
  5. Set "Domain User"
    1. (This determines who's info and picture display on the page)
    2. Admin Panel > Settings > Domains
      1. Edit domain you created for website
      2. Domain User: Select user page will be for
      3. Save
  6. Set domain at branch level
    1. Admin Panel > Settings > Branches
    2. Edit branch and select domain cor site
  7. Apply Template to website
    1. Admin Panel > Websites > Edit site you created
    2. Select Template
      1. Select: "Default Template - 220 Agent Landing Page"
    3. Once site template applies re-save website info and login to WordPress site
      1. Disable Speed Bump Message
    4. Right hand site of page will only show logo
      1. edit page in builder and click on empty module below logo
      2. save module and tabs will appear
    5. Verify that all info, links, and image are coming in properly
      1. Profile photo (if uploaded in user screen)
      2. Name
      3. Title
      4. Phone number
      5. Email Me link
  8. Set Form Autoresponders
    1. Admin Panel > Forms
      1. search for: 220 Agent
        1. edit form settings for:
          1. 220 Agent Local Scan Tool
          2. 220 Agent Get Started
          3. 220 Agent Refer A Friend
          4. 220 Agent Free Consultation
        2. Click Blue "Gear Icon" button for form
        3. Click Blue "Autoresponders" button
        4. Select matching autorepsonder
        5. Scroll down, usually at bottom of list, find branch for user you created
          1. ex: if on 220 Agent Local Scan Tool select "Agent Landing Page - Local Scan Tool"
        6. Click Green "Save" button
  9. Set form Lead Distribution
    1. Admin panel > Leads
    2. Set "Default Lead Assignment Settings"
    3. Click Lead Distribution tab (on right)
      1. This page might take a bit to load
      2. Select branch you created in Branch drop-down (usually last in list)
      3. Lead Assignment: set to user you created
      4. Additional Email and Text Notifications:
        1. if salesperson set to "Sales Managers"
        2. if anything else set to Sam Harvison
        3. or if something else requested
  10. Done! Provide URL of landing page to person requesting page build
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