Design Update - New WordPress to New WordPress
Posted by Brian Stigall on 08 August 2024 07:32 AM
Upgrading a site from old WordPress and Dynamik to new WordPress and Builder
- Assign Kayako ticket to yourself
- Check for any header/footer codes
- There shouldn't be any code in theme/site, but it's good to double check
- Client's may have tracking codes, widget codes, etc on site that are in theme settings
- Customizer > Code
- Check:
- Head Code
- Header Code
- Footer Code
- Move code to Admin Panel
- Domains
- select primary domain
- Add code to appropriate section (Header or footer)
- Launch a new site on account
- Websites tab
- Click Orange "New Website" button
- Name same as current site and append "- NEW" to end of site name
- Copy current site as template
- Websites tab
- Select new site you just launched
- Click Orange "Select Template" button
- Change "Copy Option" drop-down to Websites
- Enter Client Account ID into field and click Green "Select This Account" button
- Click Blue "Select This Template" button for old (current) site
- Once template selection has run for several minutes you can log into new site and begin working on it
- Edit website settings and assign users to match current website and save
- Log into new site's WordPress dashboard
- Activate any missing plugins
- Open design template you will be upgrading to and match plugins
- Activate builder child theme
- Appearance > Themes
- If you only see one theme in this page, just log out of WordPress site and log back in
- Not sure if this is caching, or some glitch but logging back in fixes the issue
- Update Beaver Builder settings
- Settings > Beaver Builder
- Modules
- Check all but the following:
- Basic
- Audio
- Video
- Actions
- Contact Form
- Login Form
- Subscribe Form
- Content Modules
- Login Form
- User Registration Form
- Video
- Video Gallery
- Lead Generation
- Contact Form
- Subscription Form
- Save
- Templates
- Change to "Enable User Templates Only"
- Save
- Icons
- Check all but"Enable Font Awesome PRO Icons"
- Save
- Help Button
- Uncheck "Enable Help Button"
- Save
- Rename and change url of homepage in new site
- Edit homepage settings and add "-old" to page name and url
- Delete Old Beaver Builder Templates, Themer Layouts, Homepage (and empty trash)
- Theme Layouts
- Templates
- Saved Rows
- Saved Modules
- Import Beaver Builder Templates, Themer Layouts, Homepage, and customizer settings from template client has chosen
- Tools > Import
- Import the following (assign to User220):
- Homepage
- Themer Layouts
- Templates
- Import Customizer Settings
- Customizer > Export/Import
- "Browse" to template customizer settings to import
- Select file and check "Download and Import image files?"
- Click "Import"
- Change site homepage to newly imported homepage
- Customizer > Settings > Homepage Settings
- Select "Home" as homepage
- Set up template to match new design template
- Widgets
- Clear old widgets from "Primary Sidebar"
- Add "Custom HTML" widget to Primary sidebar
- Call in Standard sidebar layout
- Add following shortcode
- [fl_builder_insert_layout slug="standard-sidebar"]
- Save
- Create Lead Capture Sidebar
- Click Blue "Create a new sidebar" button
- Title it "Lead Capture Sidebar"
- Click "Create sidebar"
- Call in Lead capture sidebar layout
- Add following shortcode
- [fl_builder_insert_layout slug="lead-cap-sidebar"]
- Save
- Create Blog Sidebar
- Click Blue "Create a new sidebar" button
- Title it "Article Sidebar" (DO NOT CALL IT BLOG SIDEBAR, this will cause issues, WordPress Glitch)
- Click "Create sidebar"
- Call in blog sidebar layout
- Add following shortcode
- [fl_builder_insert_layout slug="blog-sidebar"]
- Save
- Set Sidebar location for just blog posts
- Click "Sidebar Location" on bottom of widget panel
- Check "As Primary Sidebar for selected Post Types"
- Select "Posts" in dropdown box underneath
- Save Changes
- Set template width in Beaver Builder settings
- Edit anything (Page, header, etc...) in builder
- Click Drop-down arrow in upper left corner (This opens a "Tools" menu)
- Click "Global Settings"
- Change "Max Width" to match new template choice
- Click "Save"
- Click "Done" in upper right
- Click "Publish" in upper right
- Import forms
- Admin Panel > Forms > External Forms
- Enter account to copy forms from in "Account ID" field and hit Submit Query
- 2 for Mortgage
- 3 for Real Estate
- 4 for Insurance
- etc...
- Import any missing forms that are missing from template
- Ex:
- Homepage Quick Quote
- Footer Newsletter Sign Up
- Etc...
- Import any forms being updated to newer versions
- At this point it is basically like a new launch with a few more steps
- Change logo to client logo
- Edit template color scheme as requested in ticket
- ex: Match to logo, specific colors, etc...
- Unless notated to leave template homepage content in place, fit old homepage content to new template layout
- Feel free to break up content into sections of new layout
- Copy SEO Tags from old Homepage to new Homepage
- Change "old homepage" to Draft mode
- If requested in ticket, import any content pages to be updated
- ex: Update mortgage content (Loan Options pages
- Import Tool in Admin Panel
- 220 Settings > Tools
- "Copy From"
- Select source account
- Select source site
- Select pages to copy
- "To Account(s)"
- Select "individual selection"
- Enter Client's account id (the account you are logged into)
- "To Website(s)"
- Select "Individual selection"
- Select New Website you are working on
- In WordPress Dashboard
- Reorganize pages in pages screen to be properly nested
- Ex: Nest mortgage content pages you imported under "Loan Programs" page
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