Knowledgebase: Pages
Creating and Editing Pages
Posted by Aministrator 220 on 11 November 2015 02:54 PM

Pages are used for content that is static or unlikely to change. Content such as Privacy Policies or About Us information are better served as Pages than as posts. This information is not time sensitive and will not require frequent updates, if any. 

  1. All Pages
  2. Creating a New Page
  3. Page Attributes
  4. Sidebar Selection
  5. Featured Image
  6. Layout Settings
  7. Yoast SEO
  8. Excerpt
  9. Publishing Options
  10. Advanced Options


To add a new page we first need to navigate to Pages in our main navigation bar. You can hover over Pages and click Add New or All Pages. You can click directly on Pages as well.

If you clicked on Pages or All Pages, you will have to click Add New on the next page.




All Pages

Let's assume we clicked on All Pages so that we can see how our pages are displayed. From here we can see quite a bit of information about our pages. We can see the Title of the page, the Author, Comments, and Published date. We can also see SEO information created through the Yoast Plugin which you can learn more about here. If you've already created your page and need to make edits, you can simply click on the title, or hover over the title for more options. From here you can also make edits to multiple posts, such as deleting multiple pages, through the Bulk Edit function. You can also filter posts by date and SEO score. 

Pages can also be assigned to a "Parent" page. If you notice below, there is a "-" before Company Information. This is to signify that Company Information has a Parent. Loan Options in this case is the Parent and Company Information is considered the "Child." This hierarchy continues down the page with Terms of Use being a Child of Company Information.

Video: Page Overview




Creating a New Page

Now that we understand how our pages are listed, we can click Add New to create a new page. The first field we can add will be the page title. For our example we will make a simple "About Us" page. The page URL by default will be the same as title, although you can edit this if necessary. Our main page content will be controlled in the larger editing box. Here we will add all of our content and media as well as make changes to formatting.  

Video: Creating a New Page




Page Attributes

The Page Attributes section allows us to change our parent page, template, and page order. For our About Us page, the Company Information page seemed like the most logical parent. You can change the page template here as well. Each template will display different content. The default template will display the content you have added directly to the page. The Blog template will display all of the posts created on your site. The archive template will list all content that is on your website. This is essentially a sitemap of all of your content which will include pages, categories, posts by author and month, and your most recent posts. The landing template is used for landing pages or any page that you may want to look different from the rest of the site. This option displays your page content without any other site components like menus, headers, or footers. Pages are arranged in alphabetical order unless otherwise specified. 

By default, Pages on the same level of the hierarchy are arranged in alphabetical order unless otherwise specified. Here we can change the order by assigning a page number. If we wanted this page to be first, we would set order to 1. Pages with the order number 0 will still appear first, so we would also need to change the order of the remaining pages on same level of the hierarchy.

Video: Page Attributes



Sidebar Selection

Next we can update Sidebar Options. Pages are assigned default sidebars when created, but if you wanted to use a unique sidebar for a certain page, that can be accomplished here.  



Featured Image

Pages can be assigned a featured image. To add an image simply click Set Featured Image and select the image you want to use from your media files. Featured images can be used throughout the site in various places. As an example, below is one of 3 sections from the homepage of our site. This section is actually a widget that displays the Featured Image of our Today's Rates page along with a snippet about the page.  




Layout Settings

We can choose a unique layout for each page or post on our site. Using the default layout will create consistency throughout the site, however there may be times when a different layout is needed. This can be changed here.




Yoast SEO

The Yoast SEO plugin is a powerful tool to control many SEO-related elements of our posts and pages. We have dedicated a page entirely to using the Yoast SEO plugin which you can view here. We have completed the fields for our Mortgage Refinance Tips which you can see below.






Excerpts allow us to give a brief summary of the page to be used in certain areas such as widgets and RSS feeds. You may recognize this excerpt from the screenshot above of our homepage widget. Our "Today's Rates" homepage widget utilizes the featured image and page excerpt to provide visual appeal and offer a bit of information about the page.





Publishing Options

The Publish tab gives us quite a few options for how and when we want to display our page. Sometimes we will need to revisit our page a few times before we are able to complete it. Here we can save our page as a draft to save our content without making it available on our site. Perhaps you have finished the page but don't want it to be published until later in the week. You can schedule this by clicking Edit next to Publish. This allows you to publish your page without having to log back in and do so manually. You can also control who can see your page under the Visibility settings. Pages can be Public, Private, or Password Protected. If you have updated all of the information in the Yoast SEO section above, you can check the score here as well. Once you made the changes needed, click Publish!

If we go back into our page after it has been published. We'll notice the Publish tab has changed a bit. We can see the new status, current visibility, and when we published the page. One very important new option is the Revisions section. Clicking Browse next to revisions will allow us to see previous versions of our page. This is important if we happened to accidentally delete information and we need to recover it. 

If we click on Browse to go into our Revisions, we can see our current page as well as past updates. The most current version is on the right, while the previous version is on the left. You will notice below that some lines are highlighted. Highlighted information shows you what has been changed since the previous revision. In our example below, we forgot to add "Tip 1" to our first bullet, and we decided we didn't want the third tip. You can see that all of these lines are highlighted. Clicking the Previous button will take you to the next most recent revision. You can also use the slider to scroll between revisions, or use the Compare any two revisions check box to compare select revisions.


Video: Publishing a Page




Advanced Options

There are a few other items that we can control for each page such as Dynamik Labels, and Scripts. If you do need to make adjustments in any of these areas, please contact our Customer Service team for further help.


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